Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Accident

Were you hurt in a slip and fall accident caused by a hazard on somebody else’s property in Virginia Beach? If so, you could be owed compensation from the owner of the property or business where you were injured. However, there are certain steps you can take following the accident to protect your rights and any injury claim you might want to pursue.

Provide Written Notice of the Slip and Fall to the Owner or Manager

First, you should notify the business manager or property owner where the slip and fall accident took place. If you cannot locate the property owner or manager immediately after the fall, you should send written notice to the property or business owner as soon as practical after the accident. If your fall takes place in a store or other commercial business, the owner or manager may prepare a written accident or incident report. Make sure to ask for a copy of this report.

If you wait to give the property owner or manager notice of the accident, you may end up giving the property owner reason to doubt whether the fall ever took place. You may also end up losing out on critical evidence for your claim. 

Seek Medical Attention Immediately After the Accident

You should visit the emergency room or urgent care clinic or see your primary care physician as soon as possible after the accident. You’ll want to have a doctor examine you to diagnose the injuries you may have sustained in the fall and provide a medical opinion to connect them to the accident.

That way, you’ll have medical documentation to establish that your injuries were caused by the slip and fall accident, in case the property owner or insurance company tries to argue that you sustained those injuries somewhere else or that your injuries were caused by pre-existing conditions. 

Preserve Shoes, Clothes, and Other Evidence

You should also make sure to preserve the clothes and shoes you were wearing at the time of the fall. Property owners and insurance companies may try to argue that you slipped and fell because of the clothes or shoes that you were wearing, so documenting what you were wearing may be critical to refuting that argument.

If possible, you should also take pictures of the accident scene, including details such as whatever you believe you slipped on, the lighting conditions, any visual obstructions, weather conditions outside (if applicable), and the presence of any warning signs or safety equipment. 


Stay off of Social Media

Don’t discuss the accident on social media. If you post something that contradicts the allegations in your claim, the property owner or insurance company can use your social media posts to attack your credibility. Similarly, avoid posting photos or videos of yourself while you are undergoing treatment. If those posts show you being active, it can undercut your claims of injury. 

Hire a Lawyer to Represent You

Finally, you should speak to a slip and fall accident attorney as soon as possible after your injury to understand your legal rights and options and to have experienced professionals begin to investigate the accident and initiate your claim for compensation. 

How Barney Injury Law Can Help

After you’ve been injured in a slip and fall, A Virginia Beach injury attorney like those at Barney Injury Law can help you to pursue a legal claim for compensation by:

Call or contact a Virginia Beach slip and fall lawyer at Barney Injury Law today for a free, no-obligation consultation with a reputable, experienced personal injury lawyer. We’ll take the time to help you understand your legal rights and options for recovering compensation for the losses you’ve suffered from a slip and fall accident. Contact us online or call us at 757-500-5706.

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